So, this morning I stumbled upon a YouTube video of Il Palio di Siena and by coincidence it is taking place TODAY in Siena (of all places!) If you read the comments, there is much debate over the treatment of the horses and certain foreigners who do not understand the historical significance of this event. I hope by being one of these foreigners that I do not offend, but I find it such a striking and breathtaking custom.
Il Palio di Siena is a horse race that takes place twice a year. Its origins stem from medieval times and I feel transported while watching il corteo storico, a magnificent pageant with costumes, flags and procession. The race involves jockeys riding bareback around the Piazza del Campo and often results in injury for the riders and horses. The goal of this post is not to discuss the animal rights issue, but really to recognize and applaud something as cherished as this custom when our world has lost so much of these origins. For a country as rich in history as is the Italian tapestry, I feel they are giving us a great gift in keeping their heritage alive.