Saturday, August 15, 2009


Today I am frustrated. What I have not shared as of yet is that my greatest wish is to move to Italy, or barring that, anywhere in Europe. This is 100% for me and is independent of any guy or romance. My thirtieth year and the break up of my engagement has just opened my eyes to life's possibilities and I want those possibilities to start immediately.

It is easier said than done. I have looked into securing a working visa and it would only be eligible for six months with no possibility of renewal, without coming back to Canada for the months of paperwork should a company wish to sponsor me. The best opportunity is hopefully finding a company to sponsor me before I go there, but this is a challenge in itself. I work for an international firm which is supportive of a transfer when the economy improves, but this will likely be a year at the earliest.  While this is positive, when you decide upon your life's next journey, you want the journey to start right away. 

I have been trying to tap into my networks to see if anyone knows of any European companies looking for a marketing and PR professional. My work primarily involves media relations, business development, press release/white paper/presentation/speech writing and social networking and I was previously involved with advertising, sponsorships, event management, direct mail/email etc.  I have managed most of the communications function, save graphic design, and having worked for a Fortune 500 firm, there is so much I can offer.  I currently manage all public relations for our company's Canada/Michigan/Upstate NY district. 

I guess I am a little lost about where to turn. I am trying the social networking route as well as personal "offline" connections, but the task just seems so large and I lack direction. 

So, this post serves a two-fold purpose -- 1. it is my rant for a frustrating day and 2. if anyone has any suggestions about where to turn, I would be so grateful. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't lose faith. Your dream will come true. Are any of your grandparents of European decent? If so you may be able to get citezenship through their lineage. I recently became an Irish citizen because my grandmother was born in Ireland. I have an EU passport. Yes. I was so happy when I got that.

    Keep your head up. Something is going to happen for you.

